Saturday, July 21, 2018

Gleaning Facebook: Little Post; Big Comments

Click on this video to see one example of the evil Donald Trump has inspired. I do not know what the digital equivalent of upsetting the tables of the moneychangers might be, but were Jesus here in the flesh I am pretty sure Jim Bakker and his buddies would find out.

George Barton
He went to jail for a time share scam. Looks like people would learn.

Clare Lacey Gilliland
Hilary had it right, deplorables.

Dan Ledford
Crooked pastor, false prophet.

Jane Baird Lathem
Oh. Come. On!!!! Jim Baker is nuts! Even Obama had supporters who were nuts, all people in public office do. The person in office has no control over that. Terry, this is really beneath you. You have made it abundantly clear you don’t like Trump but you don’t have to be petty and mean.

Terrell Shaw
I am so petty and mean, dear cousin, that I am tempted to append a series of familiar recordings of our always serious and profound and oh-so-kind statesman-president -- ridiculing a handicapped man, dinigrating an American hero because he was "captured", insulting the parents of an American martyr, condemning the free press, equating white supremacists and Nazis with principled protesters, lying blatantly (choose any day in which he has made public statements and I will point out a blatant lie), groveling at the feet of a murderer/despot/enemy-of-America, --- shall I go on? Eventually we will hear his voice on the Cohen tapes. Won't that be inspiring to the youth of America?
The "nuts" of the "prosperity gospel" are virtually all on the side of our despicable, loathsome, immoral president and he loves it.
I watched the lies (often, we now know, originating in Russian offices) on the Facebook pages of some friends and relatives in 2016. Benghazi! E-mails! Pizzagate! The above is an actual video of an actual supporter of Donald John Trump.

Jane Baird Lathem
You are just relishing in your criticism and it is childish, in my humble and correct opinion. I am not a die hard supporter of this President and I wasn’t a supporter of Obama but I didn’t spend all my energy looking for ways to denigrate and ridicule him. If it makes you feel superior somehow to those of us who do not hold your views to tell us how uninformed and deplorable we are then I guess there is nothing else to say.

Terrell Shaw
Jane Baird Lathem
I am 71 years old. I love my country and revere its founders and its wonderful history of "bending toward justice". I pray the dark history of 2017 and 2018 will be behind us soon and America will regain its standing as a bulwark of republican values in the world. BUT I fear for the future for my children and my grandchild.
Childish? Read your own words, please.
Your father and mine, men beloved by both of us, risked their lives to fight the forces of authoritarianism that I believe with my whole heart I fight now and with the only tools at my disposal -- my vote, my feet, my voice, and the keys of this laptop computer.

George Barton
Terrell Shaw

Jane Baird Lathem
Yes, please use those tools but use them in a way that does not demean those who have a different view which what I feel you do.

Terrell Shaw
Was I the one posted an insult on your oage, Jane? A good look in the mirror is good for all of us regularly. Motes and beams and all that.

George Barton
Jane Baird Lathem
you don't have to look very far, remember when Trump said President Obama was born in Africa? When you run out of arguments, attack the messenger.

Jane Baird Lathem
Thank you, I was not aware I insulted you personally. I was just disagreeing with your opinion. But, if that is insulting then I am sorry. Won’t happen again because I will not be back.

Terrell Shaw
You don't find publicly calling your first cousin "childish" insulting. Imagine that I had come to your page and evaluated your motives and maturity.

George Barton
Jane Baird Lathem

Jane Baird Lathem
George Barton
I don’t know you nor you me so I don’t appreciate your comment. I am not attacking anyone, just TRYING to express a differing viewpoint to my cousin Terry, but he doesn’t want to hear any other opinions but his on.

Terrell Shaw
"I am not attacking anyone, just TRYING to express a differing viewpoint"
Jane can you please let go of your anger for a moment and go read your OWN comments?

Jane Baird Lathem
Terrell Shaw
Again, I apologize. I was not intending to insulting but you need not worry because I will not make any further comments on your page. Oh, and I assure you, I am not angry...Bye.

George Barton
Jane Baird Lathem
when you accuse someone of being petty and mean that does not agree with you, it's you that have the problem.

Jackson Williamson
Jane, President Trump needs no ridicule. His words are ridiculous enough.

Howard Smith
Jim Baker is far from the only religious "leader" on "team Trump or supporting a far right political agenda. In my opinion, Christianity has become much more of a political movement than a religious one. It came out of the closet years ago when Pat Robertson formed the tax exempt Christian Coalition as a force in politics. Today, one needs to think no further than Liberty University's president or Billy Graham's son or Trump's "spiritual advisor" to see how Christianity has "evolved".

Tony Pope
Is this the same Jim Bakker from Jim and Tammy Faye???

Terrell Shaw
In all his slimy glory.

Tony Pope
Terrell Shaw
would have never recognized him.

Delene Gray Buffington


Michael Bryan
This man is horrible! Doesn't the bible say there is a severe punishment for leading people away from God? What this man preaches has nothing to do with what Jesus taught!

Jim Geist
I guess his time in prison did not put him on the straight path.

Deanne E Daniell


Sandy Doughty


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