Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Gleaning Facebook: Putin's Trump Card

The Trumpsters are trying to make this about "meeting" with Putin. No. This is about kowtowing to a dictator who committed an act of war against America.
I guess we shouldn't have been surprised.
"From Brooks Newmark/Cynthia Drew/ CeCe Baker:
Thought this vignette from the Presidential debate was worth posting:
October 19 2016
CLINTON: Well, that’s because he’d rather have a puppet as president of the United States.
TRUMP: No puppet. No puppet.
CLINTON: And it’s pretty clear...
TRUMP: You’re the puppet!
CLINTON: It’s pretty clear you won’t admit...
TRUMP: No, you’re the puppet.
CLINTON: ... that the Russians have engaged in cyberattacks against the United States of America, that you encouraged espionage against our people, that you are willing to spout the Putin line, sign up for his wish list, break up NATO, do whatever he wants to do, and that you continue to get help from him, because he has a very clear favorite in this race.
So I think that this is such an unprecedented situation. We’ve never had a foreign government trying to interfere in our election. We have 17 — 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military, who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyberattacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin and they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing.
WALLACE: Secretary Clinton...
CLINTON: And I think it’s time you take a stand...
TRUMP: She has no idea whether it’s Russia, China, or anybody else.
CLINTON: I am not quoting myself.
TRUMP: She has no idea.
CLINTON: I am quoting 17...
TRUMP: Hillary, you have no idea.
CLINTON: ... 17 intelligence — do you doubt 17 military and civilian...
TRUMP: And our country has no idea.
CLINTON: ... agencies.
TRUMP: Yeah, I doubt it. I doubt it.
CLINTON: Well, he’d rather believe Vladimir Putin than the military and civilian intelligence professionals who are sworn to protect us. I find that just absolutely...
TRUMP: She doesn’t like Putin because Putin has outsmarted her at every step of the way.

I made my calls this morning. I'm not sure I could have controlled the rage in my voice yesterday. I managed to stay polite with the actual young women who answered for Isakson and Graves, and the recording I got for Perdue. I called for censure of the president's disgraceful performance at the NATO meeting, the "summit" with Putin, and the news conference following.
Copied from a friend...Tell our members of Congress. “No” to Trump/Putin and Russia.
Sen. Johnny Isakson
(202) 224-3643
Sen. David Perdue
(202) 224-3521
Cong. Doug Collins (9th district)
(202) 225 9893
All of Georgia’s House of Reps. Members:
1st District: Buddy Carter
Phone: 202-225-5831
2nd District: Sanford Bishop
Phone: 202-225-3631
3rd District: Drew Ferguson
Phone: 202-225-5901
4th District: Hank Johnson
Phone: 202-225-1605
5th District: John Lewis
Phone: 202-225-3801
6th District: Karen Handel
Phone: 202-225-4501
7th District: Rob Woodall
Phone: 202-225-4272
8th District: Austin Scott
Phone: 202-225-6531
9th District: Doug Collins
Phone: 202-225-9893
10th District: Jody Hice
Phone: 202-225-4101
11th District: Barry Loudermilk
Phone: 202-225-2931
12th District: Rick Allen
Phone: 202-225-2823
13th District: David Scott
Phone: 202-225-2939
14th District: Tom Graves

Phone: 202-225-5211



Will Seifert
I don't have enough time in the day to tell Perdue everything I have to say...

Terrell Shaw
That man repulses me.

Ann Gore
Me too!

Howard Smith
I called and emailed, too, both days.

Jane Baird Lathem
I know I will be sorry I asked but weren’t there OTHER Presidents that met with Russian leaders? I know Obama did so why is it a problem for Trump to meet with him. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer!

Terrell Shaw
Give me a break Jane! Of course other presidents have me with despots and murderers and dictators sometimes. Roosevelt with Stalin; Kennedy with Kruschev, etc. The problem is NOT meeting with Russians -- though in light of the indictments on Friday it should have been cancelled this time -- the problem is in not standing up to the despot. Shame on all who excuse this treason.

Jim Boyer
Terrell Shaw
A mountain of evidence points to a single fact: Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential election of 2016.

In both classified and public reports, U.S. intelligence agencies have said Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered actions to interfere with the election. Those actions included the cyber-theft of private data, the placement of propaganda against particular candidates, and an overall effort to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process.

Members of Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, have held open and closed door hearings to probe Russia’s actions. The congressional investigations are ongoing.
Facebook, Google and Twitter have investigated their own networks, and their executives have concluded — in some cases after initial foot-dragging — that Russia used the online platforms in attempts to influence the election.
After all this, one man keeps saying it didn’t even happen. TRUMP.....

Jane Baird Lathem
Terrell Shaw
, I knew I would be sorry I asked.

Lillian Shaw
*asks question that completely misses the point*
*confronted with facts that don't align with chosen narrative*
*disappears in poof of cognitive dissonance*

Jane Baird Lathem
Lillian Shaw
...1. I got the point, 2. My question was valid, 3. I was through, no need to stay and 4. I’m leaving again! Thank you.

Sandra Pride
Not in private for 2 hours,not coming out and groveling at Putin;s feet,not offering to give Putin access to CIA records.The last time Obama came face to face with Putin obama was so angry he was shaking. It was the one time in Obama's 8 years I thought he would lose it.

Jim Curry
I called last night and left my messages. Since they are all Republicans, I’m sure it’s going in one ear and coming out the other.

Ann Gore
Thank you Terrell! Will do calling tomorrow!

Bill Barker
Terrell Wake up and smell the roses

Charity Gilchrist Nicholson
I think we all woke up to a rotten smell

Terrell Shaw

Charity Gilchrist Nicholson Yep. Peweeeee! 

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