Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Gleaning Facebook: Like the 1770s American Must Choose Sides

 Today is a sad but important and inspiring day in American history. The Trump presidency is exactly the sort of emergency that the founders made plain demands impeachment. Today Democratic representatives in Congress came together, despite political obstacles and uncertainties, to do the right thing and propose two articles of impeachment.

We saw the embarrassing display of raging House (capital-R) Republicans siding with Donald John Trump despite the overwhelming evidence of blatant betrayal of his oath of office without offering a scintilla of refutation for the damning facts of his abuse of power and contempt of Congress. We also saw, yesterday and throughout this process courageous, principled ordinary American patriots speaking truth to power.
Today we heard two articles of impeachment proposed. I believe there could have been many more, but these two should be obvious to any reasonably fair-minded American:

1. Donald John Trump has abused his power, beginning during the transition, through the inauguration, and continuing to this moment -- all to benefit himself without regard to his oath or the good of the nation.
2.Donald John Trump has blatantly and publicly been in contempt of Congress's oversight duties by continuously obstructing their Constitution responsibilities to investigate his criminal behavior.
We have had instances of presidential misbehavior in the past. NO other president has so consistently behaved so contrary to his oath. If THIS behavior cannot bring about impeachment then the American president is no longer subject to the law and America is no longer a Republic.
It is time now for Americans to choose sides again, as they had to do in the 1770s.
We each must choose whether we will be patriots or royalists?
Are we a (small-r) republicans or monarchists?
It appears that, in 2019, many Republicans are NOT republicans.

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