Thursday, December 19, 2019

Gleaning Facebook: Venting....

Several Facebook posts today...



In my book the fact that this soulless comment from Trump is absolutely typical of his fecal behavior should be enough for Congress to say, "You sir are too despicable to continue your squatting in our executive mansion!" In my book it is a high crime to smear the office of George Washington et al with a pattern of behavior so excremental. Jackson, A. Johnson, Harding, Nixon, Clinton, and others have had moments of shameful behavior; Donald Trump is consistently, daily, unendingly, childishly, shameful. Enough!



I suppose it was to be expected, but still it is depressingly disappointing that our Congressman, Tom Graves, could not bring himself to rise above petty politics and stand up for our Republic. President Trump betrayed his oath and betrayed America for his own political benefit. Now Tom Graves has done the same with his vote to excuse that betrayal.


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