Saturday, November 26, 2016

Gleaning Facebook: Exit Fidel, Enter Don

This meme (above) was submitted as a comment of this little post by Don Henderson. 

In the same month that Cuba's narcissistic authoritarian finally passes from the world's stage, enter stage right America's own narcissistic authoritarian. Ike, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Two Bushes, Clinton, & Obama all fought to defeat that little bully, and are rewarded by the Electoral College's presumptive selection of Donald 'Barnum & Bully' Trump right here in the Land of the Free.



Susan Polkinghorn

You nailed that. Check out Jill Stein's successful demand for recount and investigation into irregularities in WI. MI and PA next. 5 mil + raised in 3 days to pay for recounts/ investigations.

Tony Potts
See the world is already getting better since The Don's election. #maga

Laurie Craw
Look at the upside, Terrell. Cuba is prime real estate ripe for the plucking by Trump Enterprises Inc. In no time, POTUS Inc. and the Republican Board of Directors (the governing body previously known as Congress) will lift the embargo on doing business in Cuba and the island will be overrun with Trump golf courses, Trump Towers North, South, East and West, and Trump Cigar factories. There will jobs, jobs, and more jobs for unemployed Americans just a short boat ride away. And he will drain all the swamps in Cuba to build his Cuban empire. (He meant that literally, you know.) Now is the time to invest! Contact your Trump Brokerage agent today to get in on the ground floor,

Luis Schnitzer Da Silva
And, just to be safe, he'll get an exclusive from Raul.

Annie Shields
Thanks for pointing out that irony.

Dawn N Luke Andrews
O m g

Docia Hunt Thaxton
I'm really sorry that you are so depressed and angry about the election I mean that sincerely! But it is done unless as one former friend of mine said someone (she hopes) shoots Trump. Now Castro is dead and all some people can do is talk more Trump. Give me a break. I still think we have the best country in the world bar none. I was still happy to spend Thanksgiving with family and friends. I was still happy I woke up today and my dog still loved me. My cat still tolerated me. I guess some bad things will happen in the future but bad ones have happened in the past 70 years I've been alive. We can whine and cry or love and laugh. I prefer to think that if the sky is falling God will give me the right kind of umbrella of protection whatever that is. Unfriend me if you must but my glass will still be half-full!

Laurie Craw
Even people serving life sentences in prison, soldiers in the horrors of battle, people watching their children starve to death, people watching their neighbors being dragged out of their homes in the middle of night and loaded into cattle cars can say the kind of things you have said. As long as we ourselves draw breath, we can all be "happy" and trust God no matter what our circumstances. But it is required of a few of us to be "unhappy" with the way things are and to stand for something besides "me and mine." Terrell Shaw is one of those. I respect him greatly.

Docia Hunt Thaxton
The word respect was never used. Do not put words in my mouth. I know about the bad in the world. I have a grandson who was almost killed by a suicide bomber while serving in Afghanistan and also had to try to save an Afghan who was pretty much blown into two parts. He will tell you in a heartbeat that he swore his oath so that people can burn a flag, kneel during the national anthem, and march in protest. I resent that u think I am only concerned with "me and mine". You have no idea what we have stood for and yes marched for. I still see no reason to live miserably while working for change. A person who can be grateful for their life has even more reason to work to make life better for others. Maybe Terry, as I called him when we were teens, will want to unfriend me but I will let him decide if I am too Pollyanna for him.

Terrell Shaw
Docia my blog, and now most often, my FB page iscwhere I choose to express myself. I will continue that. Those who read my wall are free to reply briefly in agreement or disagreement... as longvas they arevpolite. One of my pet peeves is when commenters suggest, in so many words, that I shut up.

I beleive the following:
Putin made an effort to influence our election and succeeded.

Donald Trump is a damaged human being (pathologically dishonest, a textbook example of extreme nacissism, unstable)

The GOP has actively sought to suppress voting among women and minorities.

Trump is an admitted sexual predator.

Trump gas been compromised by his ties to white nationalists and the Russions.

Trump has proposed torture and murder.

Trump has a multitude of conflicts of interest and no inclination to fix those.

Trump is incredibly ignorant of world politics and uninterested in learning.

Believing those things I have no choice as a patriot but to scream bloody murder.

Terrell Shaw
I will continue to love and laugh and enjoy my friends and family, but I will be ever vigilant. A narcissistic authoritarian has, by crooked means, gained the presumptive majority of electoral votes. Barring a miracle he will take over the executive branch of our government supported by majorities in Congress and on the Supreme Court. Our country has not been under such great peril since the 1860s, in my opinion.

So as long as I have breath I will continue to rail against the evil of Donald Trump until this crisis has passed.

Docia Hunt Thaxton
I guess I just think working together is better than snarling like a dog passing a peach pit over every thing. I dare say if any of us could dig deeply enough into many "secrets" of the political world we would throw up our hands in despair instead of continuing to try to fight the good fight.

Laurie Craw
Docia, I feel I might have misunderstood your original comment when I responded to it. That happens on FB sometimes. You, like many, were probably just trying to move on from a bitter and shocking election campaign and outcome by counting your blessings and trusting that good will prevail. It was these two sentences, however, that pushed my buttons: "Give me a break" and "We can whine and cry or love and laugh." These seem flippant and dismissive of Terrell's (and my) legitimate concerns about this one-of-a-kind president-elect and his administration. "Whining" is something we associate with children, not adults. I think we all have to try extra hard now to take others' concerns seriously. Only then can we work together.

Terrell Shaw
The idea that we cant trust our leaders, that they are all liars, charlatans, crooks... like Trump, is exactly the message the authoritarians want us to believe.
Trump is different, and very dangerous. We must be vigilant.

Docia Hunt Thaxton
Your friend, Laurie Craw, seems to feel that I have no respect for you and that I am concerned with me and mine. Since she knows nothing about me and you have continued to Trump instead of concerning yourself with my beliefs maybe there is no meeting of the minds here. No one has asked if I agree or disagree with anything said. My only suggestion was that everything in life was no more wrapped in Trump than Hillary. My late husband was very involved. In politics. One of my sons is also. Believe me I know at lot. Some older scandals you may have never heard. So what that does not make me omniscient. I do what I can the best I can.

Terrell Shaw
I sent you a link by message to a good article by Timothy Snyder. I imagine Laurie knew Orbie when she worked at the RNT. Laurie is our dear friend. I did not understand your reaction to her comment.  Have a great evening. My computer died last night and iPhone computing is for the birds! 

Docia Hunt Thaxton
All I have is iPhone. If you don' understand me reaction to her then you did not read carefully or you have no hope of understanding me or Orbie.

Terrell Shaw
Hope springs eternal.

Debbie Barefield
Not a good thing to say but so glad he is rested!

Beau Gordon
Wish you would learn not to hold back...speak up and say what your mean.

Donald Murdock
A nation that would allow someone to be elected who proudly represents all the worst of human characteristics, and whom most of us wouldn't want to be anywhere near for fear that his slime might rub off on us, has no right to deem itself a great nation. Our system has alwqys been flawed but, at this point, it seems to be unravelling.

Terrell Shaw
As a pre-teen I remember worrying whether the world could survive till I grew up... because of the external threat of nuclear war. That is the sort of primal fear I feel now, not for myself but our posterity, and not from external but domestic threat. The wonderful framers created a near miracle in Philadelphia in 1787, but also included an inadvertant time bomb in the electoral college. It nearly destroyed us in the 1860s, and may finally do it today. The great American cancer, slavery, is reaching out of its grave to trip us up again.

Luis Schnitzer Da Silva
I second that emotion... about nukes and slavery.
I still think that all of the American ills stem in one way or another from the racism brought on by slavery.

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