Friday, November 18, 2016

Gleaning Facebook: The Trump Era begins...

The Trump era is actually, so far, turning out even worse than I imagined. This ignorant, narcissistic, sexual predator is also clueless when it comes to national security. And he is, clearly now, still the racist he was in his early days in real estate.

National Security appointments-- oh my!
For CIA Director --- CIA DIRECTOR!!! An extremely partisan congressman who helped to waste millions on the smearing of Hillary Clinton by the "Benghazi" committee. A man with no experience in the intelligence community beyond a little time on the intelligence committee in the house.
For National Security Advisor --- the TOP advisor on these issues. The successor to Kissinger, Brzezinski, Snowcroft, Powell, Rice will be a hothead who tweets insults to Muslims and has terrible conflicts of interest.
Domestic appointments-- yikes!
For chief White House executive --- a white supremacist! A damned nazi, in my opinion.
For our Attorney General, the chief law enforcement officer for the nation, racist.


Melissa Pyle-Hamilton Let's face it. He is incompetent and has no clue what he is doing. We are headed for dangerous times. Those who don't believe that are delusional.
David Matheny Flynn is a self-fulfilling prophecy, if there ever was one.
Ralph Noble Yes, he seems to be trying to poke every opposition group in the eye, and then smirkig. Sicko
Paula Graves Don't forget that he met Japanese leadership in an unsecured location, talked to them on an unsecured phone, and had Ivanka (who has no security clearance and is supposed to be in charge of the blind trust therefore shouldn't have any dealings in governmental affairs) in the room with him.
Christy Davis I thought that it was illegal to meet formally with foreign heads of state unless you were the president or Secretary of State?
Paula Graves He also met them without any briefings from the State Department. 

Christy Davis And has dodged the press pool twice so far. He's begging
Paula Graves My friend, Ellen C. McBarnette, made a very good point about this on another post.

"See it from the view point of another American hotel owner- Ivanka Trump now has an unfair advantage because anything her hotel wants or needs she can call her daddy in the White House and get it. Now see it from the vantage of the Japanese Government- if they want anything from the American president they can bribe him by doing something nice for his daughter's business. Now see it from the vantage of the US tax payor-My tax dollars are being used to advantage the Trump brand! This is why American Presidents have put their businesses in blind trusts all these years. Because it leads to unfair advantages, potential for foreign manipulation of our Commander in Chief and misuse of American tax dollars. It is not the media that is up in arms, it is legal experts, policy experts, judges and business people. This is worse than the Clinton Email scandal 10 fold and he has not even entered the office of the Presidency yet!!”

Laurie Craw Shouldn't there be a congressional investigation of this that lasts for four years?

Kimberly Jo Everett I feel the same way... and he's not in office yet.
Anne Edwards Langley
He is acting like he is still in elementary school and has been chosen to pick a kickball team.
Larry England
I guarantee it's going to keep getting worse unless Russia attacks first account of Flynn's lobbying.

CeCe Baker Right, you are, Terrell Shaw. And the word "scary" doesn't even begin to describe it. 

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