Monday, November 21, 2016

Gleaning Facebook: I get comments...

Spencer Musick
Spot on!

Brenda Ron Carroll
Communism. No constitution, no bill of rights. two classes, the haves ( which you or I are not) and the peasants (us) no property so our homes will be taken away, pensions and retirement yanked away too. Censorship. No air conditioning.That is the issue now cousin. Do you really want to live like that? I sure don't.

Terrell Shaw

Brenda Ron Carroll
I am leaving FB so this is my final statement on here. Between Obama and his globalist agenda pushing (communism, look it up) and now the Chinese demanding censorship, This is where they want to push the country.I have always thought you an intelligent man, loved your humor and proud to call you family. And thank you for making Dad happy with the picture. You will never know how much it meant to him. You never know the little things can do so much more than big ones. Take care cousin. Love you.

Terrell Shaw
I don't understand your comment. Of course I agree that classism, lack of rights, ending pensions (social security & medicare etc), censorship are bad. Some of those are reasons I oppose the Great Narcissist and why I have supported President Obama. 
Communism? Air conditioning? Chinese censorship? Fail to see a point.
I enjoyed talking with your Dad several times in his last years. I'm glad I managed to get that pic to him. My dad and his brothers considered the Norton boys just two more brothers. You take care too.

Suanne Bierman Laqueur

Suanne Bierman Laqueur
We were two steps away from Godless communism under Obama? Really?

Don Henderson
Having record highs in the stock markets during Obama's presidency, just to name one capitalist ideology, sure speaks to the opposite of communism.

Suanne Bierman Laqueur
A constitutional law professor doing away with the constitution. Imagine.

Don Henderson
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, but godless is what the government is supposed to be, according to the constitution.
Last time I checked, I could be wrong, nothing has been removed from the constitution.

Suanne Bierman Laqueur
I was being sarcastic.
Bill of Rights still there? All of it? Not scribbled out in red ball-point pen?

Larry England
Thanks for trying to explain; a little touch of one being exposed to a lot of false news and lies on the FB/elections tour.Whew.

Laurie Craw
He can dish it out but he just can't take.

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