Friday, February 12, 2021

Talents for Low Intrigue

Donald John Trump is not a very smart man.

He is not a well educated man.

He is not a well balanced personality.

He does not, as far as I can tell, know love.

But he does have what Hamilton called "talents for low intrigue." That partly arises from the plethora of options available to a person who has none of the usual filters of propriety, morality, ethics, and patriotism.

With no restraints, he baldly claimed, without evidence, fraud where none existed and could not be bothered to cite credible evidence.

Without those restraints he had no qualms about calling state elections officials and pressuring them to "find" votes. 

Unrestrained by morality he could encourage white supremacists, American nazis, Proud Boys and Oathkeepers.

Free of appreciation of, even basic knowledge of, or respect for American principles, he scratched and clawed from before the voting, through the closing of the polls, and continuing through days of counting and recounting of the vote, through scores of failed lawsuits, through certification of that vote by a joint session of the Congress and the attack on our Capitol. 

Donald Trump's behavior over the months of the campaign, the transition period, and the January 6 rally that he called weeks in advance, clearly is impeachable, unpatriotic, criminal, and intolerable. I believe this has been but an escalation of similarly despicable behavior over the previous years of his term. On behalf of myself, my beloved family, and our posterity I demand our Senate stand up for our Republic. We must declare the bahavior of Donald Trump incompatible with American principles once and for all time.

Convict and ban this master of low intrigue from any office of trust in the United States.

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