Friday, June 01, 2012

Gleaning Facebook: Federal Spending

 To see the glee of some Republicans at the disappointing job figures today is revealing. Some among the "loyal" opposition are cheering for the President to fail. (Limbaugh and McConnell have been explicit about that.)

I would ask my Republican friends --- and I have many beloved GOP friends and relatives --- and independent friends to think of this chart; to think of the graph of job losses for the last four years; to think of the millions of jobs lost under the watch of the previous administration (including a MAJORITY of Romney advisors) leading up to 2009 and the millions of jobs gained (still not enough but a definite change of direction) under President Obama, despite consistent obstructionism by some in the opposition. We still have a long way to go, and the European mess may yet stall things, but the nation is demonstrably much better off than we were four years ago.

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