Friday, January 18, 2019

Ad Hominem

Regarding the Man Himself

Our president is, according to those who have worked most closely with him, a "moron" and an "idiot".
His briefings are daily dumbed-down to fit his limited vocabulary, understanding, and literacy.
He is, according to every fact checking agency of which I am aware, an unprecedented liar.
He is according to my eyes and ears (and more specifically dozens of women) a loathsome creep.
But perhaps his most outstanding quality is his cowardice. He cannot stand-up to the satire that all public officials face. He cannot bear to attend the correspondents' dinner. He cannot face the public. He cannot face the press.
Idiot. Ignoramus. Liar. Creep. Coward. That is the man-child who soils the office of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln, both Roosevelts, Truman, Ike, and Obama.
One of my pet-peeves is ad hominem argumentation. Yet here I use just such an argument. It must be noted that while most ad hominem arguments are logical errors, there are exceptions. Hitler was, in deed, evil. Whatever his policy positions, he was an evil man, and ethical, moral folks were obligued to oppose him on that basis if they were in the know.
Our president, chosen in an undemocratic fashion, in an discredited election, by less than even a plurality of the people, is Constitutionally president but illegitimate in terms of the basic principles we say we stand for. He was not elected in a republican manner. But that aside, he is an evil man. I have known that for as long as I have been aware of him (several decades). If you have been paying attention you know that and should oppose him.
Could he be redeemed? According to my faith tradition, yes he could. For the good of his family, especially young Barron, I pray he will be. But that is between him and God. In political terms, at 72, it is too late for redemption. He must be legally and overwhelmingly repudiated and removed.

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