Thursday, January 10, 2019

Gleaning Facebook: Emergency!

From January 20, 2017 until January 3, 2019 the Republican party had control of the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of the American government. During that time they did not consider the Vanity Wall a project so vital to American security that it represented a national emergency. Suddenly, as they absorbed the biggest House defeat in their history, the Wall was so important they refuse to bring up the very bill EVERY Republican senator just voted FOR a few weeks ago, and instead close down the government at a cost of a half-billion dollars a day.

The #TrumpMcConnellShutdown is supreme hypocrisy.

Jim Curry This way, though, Republicans can play the old worn out “ blame the Democrats” mantra. Only, I think more and more Americans are catching on to their “you’re all a bunch of suckers” antics.

Rhonda Sissy Faw "INCOMPETENCE"


Anne Edwards Langley Inhofe and Langford are the same

Fred Gould You are kidding, right?

Terrell Shaw I am from a tradition that believes in the possibility and power of redemption. 


Fred Gould Terrell Shaw More power to you! History has taught me cynicism is road to travel in this instance.

David Phillips I want to be represented by statesmen not Drump flunkys.

Richard Wear They have to be "men" before they can be statesmen. These folks are cowards & sold their own country out for a cheap 2 bit reality TV (made up) star. They are too scared to stand up on their own two feet & make a decision (their own, without being "told") in the best interest of the country when they know they & their cohorts are in the wrong. They are weak & have been taken over by the lust for greed & power.

Tim Shiflett I simply do not understand why the Republicans in Congress allow that moron to dominate them.

Fred Gould Tim Shiflett Sure you do. First, Trump gives voice to what they believe. Second, they are scared to death of the base they created.

Jim Curry Plus, many other Republicans are in on it too.

Jim Curry Nice try

Deb Fincher I snipped it and tweeted it to the BOTH of them. Thank you Terrell Shaw

Fred Gould Deb Fincher Keep us posted.

Deb Fincher will let you know if I get any response from either of them. BUT, at least I am not holding my breath waiting.

Luis Schnitzer Da Silva You know the answer: if you’re a Repug you could care less about country

Kathy Cannon Rogers Not so sure about Isakson but Perdue is firmly in the Trump camp.

Jim Curry Both are!

Donald Murdock Not sure I’d count on either of those clowns.

Claudia Kennedy It amuses me, in a sad way, when folks say, "Call your senator." Or I could call the governor. Right?

Claudia Kennedy One word answer, Fred. Money.

Raymond Atkins A rhetorical question, Terrell?

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