Sunday, March 07, 2021

Gleaning Facebook: We Chose the Boy Who Stuttered

And because of that choice --- AND because of all of my friends who worked, spoke out, and voted for Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in the January 5 run-off --- we have passed major Covid relief for our hurting nation. If Georgia had failed to elect these men this would NOT have happened. More than two-thirds of Americans approve of our president's efforts to defeat Covid and to ease the burdens of Americans who are hurting financially because of the pandemic. Take away either of these good men and the relief package fails. Halleujah! Please remember this when Senator Warnock is up for a full term next year. He kept his promise.

Who we vote for matters. Character counts.


Fred Noye

And the country collapsed!

Chris Goss Fred, can you explain?

Francis Ranwez Chris Goss Oh, you are an optimist to ask that.

Chris Goss Francis Yiss 


Francis Ranwez I looked at his page and I think Fred may be a confederate spy who hasn't gotten the word yet. They had drunk the cool aid then, and it took some 16 months after Appomattox before a final peace was signed. They lost then, and as everybody knows, they really lost in 2016 except for Russian help, and of course they lost yet again in 2020 to a fellow they call senile and old. Of course, having your head handed to you by a senile old man doesn't speak well for their cognitively challenged leader. And, of course, the Great Revelation or whatever Ms Green and her QAnon cohorts called the second coming of Trumps escorted by Proud Boy Angels didn't pan out on March 5 either. That leaves me with a good stock of Pop Corn and Beer that I didn't get to use. Oh well. Actually looking at the history of the guy who would be King, the only thing he really excelled at was losing. Big time. Right Fred Noye?

Fred Noye Francis Ranwez buckle up Butter cup. The ride has just begun and it isn't going to be pretty.

Francis Ranwez Fred Noye amazing repartee. Bless you sonny boy.

Fred Noye Francis Ranwez thank you.

Steven Savage I understand. I'm not a Republican anymore. I believe the nation make the right choice this time. That invasion on our Capitol was just to much.

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