Monday, March 22, 2021

On Being the Birthday Boy on Facebook

Me in 1947

We all usually just put the good stuff on Facebook, don’t we? 

I do. I want y’all to know about my beautiful grandkids. I write about the stuff I do in my life that I think looks good whether it’s just a walk through my gorgeous hometown or a special meal or the candidate I want you to help me elect. And generally I tell you the interesting and fun parts and leave out the dumb, depressing, or boring stuff that we all deal with daily.

I certainly don’t generally itemize my faults or troubles.

Surprise Surprise!

I make mistakes daily, 

have up days and down days, 


forget stuff I need to know, 

remember stuff I'd better forget, 

lose important things and hang on to things I don't really need. 

I can be lazy and I can be manic and I can be petty. 

I can get lost in details and I can be sloppy with details. 

I am, in short, a sinful, selfish, flawed man. 

And don’t get me started on arthritis.

Still I am incredibly rich in friends and loved ones.

Today I have been warmly remembered on my birthday 

  • by Marty who has been my friend since sixth grade and other elementary school friends
  • by Herb and several friends whom I know only through political collecting or other online activities, 
  • by Rhonda and other beloved students from SIX decades, 
  • by Nancy and Lester and many other teacher friends from SIX decades
  • by Alvin and Wendy and Dan and Sundai and Joe and many others who have fought the political and environmental and civil rights battles alongside me,
  • by Kanute and other storytelling friends from right here in Rome and from many distant states, 
  • by Alice and Don and other folk from high school days, 
  • by Barron and others from my days in college
  • by the Burtons and Wares and other friends who are like family,
  • by Janice and others who have known me since this day 74 years ago and others like Danny and Matthew that I have known all their lives. 

The friends posting today are from my church, my political circles, my family, but also some who have beliefs I absolutely reject, even in some cases deplore. 

Folks expressing friendship today are not just Methodist and Democratic and white like me, but also black, Republican, Socialist, Catholic, Baptist, Sikh, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, atheist, hispanic, gay, trans, and from many other categories of human.

I am thankful for EACH unique one of you. 

"Social media" has its pros and cons. 

Days like today are good days on social media for an old geezer retired teacher, community actor, preacher's kid, choir member, storyteller, political activist, ex-businessman, and member of a big family.

I wish I were half the guy y'all made me feel today BUT your greetings have helped me believe I may be at least a little of that guy --- and make me want to be more of that guy. 

So keep it up. Come back next March and do it again. 

It feels real good.


  1. Hey you — glad you had a nice birthday. My youngest nephew turns 50 this week. Remember when that used to sound old? I was 23 when he was born. Anyway, Happy Birthday! And I am looking forward to visiting in Rome sometime. I have both of my vaccination shots now.

  2. Thanks, Mike. We have had our shots as well. We look forward to having you here soon!

  3. Your work on this website is great. My website started in 2007 and I'm glad for my repository of my thoughts that I there. I've been lazy to do much on it for a while, but it still gets about 15 hits or so a day. Interesting to see what is picked. It's like throwing a message in a bottle into the ocean.
