Thursday, January 27, 2022

He ain't perfect -- neither were Washington, Lincoln, or either Roosevelt -- but I thank God for Joe Biden.

Our economy grew 5.7% in 2021, even faster as the year went on! Of course there are problems that go with growth, but folks, I sure prefer the problems of growth to the problems of recession.

If we can get the rest of the president's agenda passed, I believe, and many economists say, the boom can continue AND can be spread more generally among the population, AND inflation can be slowed.

And, on top of that, we have a grown-up in the White House. Did anyone notice what he did when he let his anger produce intemperate words? He very quickly called up the reporter he had insulted and apologized. Like a grown-up. Can you imagine the infant who stained our White House from Jan. 2017- Jan. 2021 doing that?

President Biden's approval rating should be soaring.

But he will do what he believes is right and in accordance with his oath, regardless of opinion polls. Isn't is wonderful to have a president who doesn't dramatically hug the flag or shout "America first!" and pander to his base but who actually loves "the republic for which it stands" and quietly, sincerely, competently, patriotically PUTS America, rather than himself, first.

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