Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Gleaning Facebook: The Iowa Caucuses

I love both these great Americans. I am so glad that on our side we have folks who can debate the issues honestly. I would be happy to support either in November. I happen to believe Hillary Clinton is better prepared to be president.
Tonight Hillary has eked out a very narrow victory I believe (and she does too) but Bernie also had a major victory regardless of whether he ends up a few votes short.
Bernie is absolutely right that our economy is rigged. I believe Hillary is best prepared to take on that problem from the Oval Office! 🙂


Sam Burnham Do you think the success of Sanders last night is any indication that people on the left are also growing tired of Washington as usual? It seems that establishment candidates (obviously more so on the right) are having a harder time this election cycle. Seeing Bernie's followers being quite aggressive and anti-Hillary last night added to my feeling on this. It looks like people are tired of talk and wanting action.

Claudia Kennedy Right or Left. The message is clear. No more business as usual.

Ralph Noble I strongly agree with you, Terrell Shaw. Bernie has made Hillary a better candidate, but she would be a much better president.

Deborah Lake Dawson Agree!

Susan Cherones I hear ya, but I just cant believe we can solve our problems with the mindset that got US here-grea mind though, but such a success at the old game. I feel so hopeful when I think of Bernie.

John Carlin The candidate taking corporate money for her campaign is best suited to take on the problem of money in politics?

Terrell Shaw Unilateral disarmamnet doesn't work in politics very often. You have to get elected to affect change. Yes, it's a fine line and one that has ensnared more than one idealist and turned them into just another cog in the corporate machine. But still it's true. I have watched Hillary Clinton for forty years and I think I know where her heart is. She is our best shot at the change we want.

John Carlin Sounds like idealism to me.

Howard Smith Hillary is the best candidate to bring about change within our existing system...Bernie is the best candidate to change our existing system.

John Carlin And the system is broken, unless you make your money off of speaking fees, in that case the system is working splendidly.

Terrell Shaw Bill and Hillary live well off those fees. But Bill's foundation also does good work, partly as a result of his being able to raise money as a former president. www.clintonfoundation.org

John Carlin Read about Frank Giustra and his connections to the Clinton Foundation. No doubt he has done good for the less fortunate, but there are some questionable deals being made in the background.

Ruth Baird Shaw I do not like to disagree with my wonderful and brilliant son. But I think many Americans will not vote to put Bill Clinton back in the White house. This is the major reason Hillary lost the Democratic nomination to Obama 7 years ago...

Terrell Shaw My wonderful and brilliant mother and I have had different politics for a number of years. She is still my heroine. 


Bill Clinton left the White House with very high approval polling and has retained that. Like many before him --- Harding, FDR, Ike, & JFK, for example --- Clinton was shamefully unfaithful to his wife. He was also an outstanding president however. If we had had 24 hr news in the times of those guys I mentioned above, history would likely be considerably different. And Bill and Hillary actually worked to, and did, save their marriage, unlike Gingrich, McCain, Trump, etc., etc. So I will be thrilled to "have Bill Clinton back in the White House" as the president's husband.

David Matheny Terrell, I admire how you and your Momma can discuss...an Example and an Inspiration to us all!

Ivy Elizabeth Holt Morris I have a fear the Hillary does not represent the middle class economically, nor does she care for us at all. Her under the table interactions over time for her own financial beneift provides the reason for questioning. I like what Bernie has to say about the middle class economy, as it sounds a lot more honest and concerned than all the others. I will support either, I believe, as well.

John Johnston I I could be king for limited period of time would pull the trigger on Bernies ideas. Not sure it could be done any other way.

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