Sunday, May 15, 2016

Gleaning Facebook: Cherokee Cabin Stalwarts

From Michael Burton's Facebook:

 Steve Craw has been the most stalwart advocate for the cabin. He has been chair of the cabin committee for years and never gave up on finding a way to preserve our heritage and honor the heritage of native Americans. He put his muscle where his mouth is by doing more arduous , physical work than anyone by removing the layers and layers of materials obscuring the cabin and hewing logs with a foot adze. Unbelievable stamina in a 70 year old. Kudos friend for working so hard and long to make your vision a reality .

All comments

Christine Lemons
Cabin Champions!

Laurie Craw
Thanks Michael J. Burton. He's always had his heart in Cherokee history and in this project, and puts his hands and back where his heart it.

Michael J. Burton

Bill Barker
Great work!

Christine Lemons

Thank you Steve for all your hard work. Your commitment and dedication to revealing, but more importantly preserving the Vann Cherokee Cabin has not wavered throughout this project. Thank you Steve and Laurie Craw, Billy W Abernathy, and Michael J. Burton for championing this great historical structure and honoring the original builders

Michael J. Burton
Your and your husband's support has been invaluable

Ann Gore
Thank you, Steve for all your work and dedication!

Chris Culberson
When you move in that restored house?

David A. Stiles
Great work Steve!

Seiler Rankin

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