Thursday, May 05, 2016

Gleaning Facebook: Two Political Posts

"Trump is the definition of a man who was born on third and thinks he hit a triple."

- Harry Reid


Jeff Ward
Now that's funny! 


Roger Wade
So, everyone else just hits to the left, and takes second.. a winning strategy... not funny at all, but it wins..

Sam Burnham
Sounds like Harry finally hired a decent speech writer.

Laurie Craw
Almost everybody in America who has "made it" seems to suffer from the same delusion. It's time we laid to rest that "self-made man" myth that Republicans keep alive to justify their "small government" agenda.. Without family, good teachers, church, good neighbors, community organizations, and yes, good government that ensures all equal opportunity, equal protection of the law and a safety net, we would all be starting on first base and a lot fewer would make it home.

Sam Burnham
Sorry, but that's absurd and there's centuries of history to contradict it. Big government never helped anyone get ahead.

Laurie Craw
Ever hear of the GI Bill? Or public schools for all? Or the federal land-grant colleges and universities? Or the FDIC that protects the savings of small depositors from bank failures? Or the federal Rural Electrification program that extended electricity to small farmers and enabled them to produce more and more efficiently? Or that infrastructure of modern highways, ports, and airports that enable farms and manufacturers to get products to markets all over the country and world? None of that, you say, helped any Americans 'get ahead"? That is absurd.

Sam Burnham
Do you know what it takes to get a GI Bill? They don't exactly hand them out. Trust me, they are earned compensation.
You do realize that private education, as a rule, is more thorough and higher quality than public, right? You also realize that the University of Georgia predates the federal government, right?
FDIC? Yeah, I've heard of it. I've heard of the FSLIC also. How'd that work out for you?
Rural electrification was coming, government or not.
Ports, highways, airports, and infrastructure are often built and expanded by the use of local option taxes. People and corporations filter money through government so it can make sure the right back gets scratched when the construction contracts are awarded.

CeCe Baker


Paul Ryan, for now, is refusing to endorse the Great Narcissist. Wow. Bush I, Bush II, Romney, Ryan, all are NOT endorsing the fascist. The Bushes, Romney plus McCain are boycotting the Trump convention.


CeCe Baker In the end, they'll all go - or, at least, have some kind of PUBLIC input.

John Burnette James Carville called "40 more years" I believe he may have estimated a little low. They have ruined any credibility they've had.

Patricia Canada Who cares. Nothing is going to get any better no matter who becomes next president. The world is never going to change. Can't wait for the lord to come back.

Howard Smith In the meantime elections do matter.

Paula Graves You may be surprised. Even if Hillary becomes president, I'm thinking she is going to try and catch lightning in a bottle with the revolution that is happening now.

Sam Burnham It's not exactly a strong list of non-endorsements.

Anne Edwards Langley How can you "support" a candidate but not endorse them? Some of the republican congress men and women are up for re-election and have declared their support but will not endorse Trump. As far as I am concerned they just did

Abeed Bawa Good. They're all establishment crooks anyway. They fear donald will expose their crooked ways.

Russell Jones If all those do not support him, then he must be at least right about something. Maybe just not being a politician and part of the terrible machine, just like Bernie. They are so different in approach, but their base support is that they are not in the rut of the main stream/status quo.

Alex M. Alexander Hillary's turtle.. pastedGraphic.png

Jim Howell
While I may disagree with most of he view points. He is a statesman unlike the Republican nominee

Alex M. Alexander Who.. is a statesman?

Julie Adair Alex, I saw that the other day. It's the funniest thing ever!

Paul Culotta Calling Trump a fascist is not off the mark. I'm reading a history classic, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, and Donald Trump's campaign is goose-stepping a parallel path as Hitler's Nazi election strategy. (Substitute Immigrants and Hispanics for Jews, come up with a "we were stabbed in the back" message, target the votes of the lower middle class, shout all opponents down, etc) It's eerie reading this and watching the campaign, all the more as the author, William Shirer, was a news correspondent in Berlin from the earliest beginning of National Socialism to 1940. He saw it all.

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