Saturday, August 13, 2022

Showing Off Arrowhead to Debi's Grandkids

My nephew Jonathan with his wife Jessica and their three children, Ellie, Oliver, and Zeke, are staying with us three nights as they visit to attend Beth's funeral. 

Today they walked with me to the church to move a couple of tables out of the sanctuary. 

The tables had been moved into the sanctuary yesterday to hold Beth's urn, some flowers, two of Beth's paintings, and her portrait for her funeral. 

As it turned out someone had beat me to it. I am so thankful to be a part of Trinity United Methodist Church. Our pastor, Nanci Hicks, did much not only to comfort us during our grief, and to preside at the funeral, but also arranged much of the mechanics of being ready for the event such as those tables, and ushers, and printed programs, and sound equipment, and live-streaming and recording of the service. She had the help of our wonderful choir director Kam Malone, our administrative assistant Lauri Pack, and Trinity stalwarts Sam Evans, Chuck Evans, and Thom Holt. And Debra Malone's musical talents and dedication added so much to the service. I could never fully express the love and thanks I feel for these people, and all the folks at Trinity who came to support us or who have called, and prayed, and sent cards to ease our burden.

When we walked back from the church we detoured over to the levee ...

Then we were joined by Jonathan's brother Matthew and his daughter Lillian (yes, another Lillian) as well as Debi, Gregg, Andrew, and Sheila in three cars for a caravan to Arrowhead so the kids could visit our animals. The kids had a great time visiting with Lucky the Gopher Tortoise...

Beauregard to baby Alligator...

Corny the Corn Snake

and Ringo the King Snake.

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