Sunday, August 07, 2022

Very Successful First Term

Zawahiri is dead

The PACT Act passed

Gas prices are falling

528,000 new jobs last month (nearly 10 million since January 2021)

Most important climate protection in history

Deficit reduction

And much more.

I am so proud to have worked for the election of Joe Biden in 2020. 

And for Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. 

And while much of the impatient public wrote him off and the shallow and short-sighted American media reported on the events of the last two years with so little context, our President and our Democratic senators kept plugging along-- working, negotiating, compromising, cooperating.

Think about it, my friends. This president was elected on a platform to, first, restore the soul of our republic after we had endured four years of lies, corruption, and chaos in the presidency; and second, to work for progressive goals in a cooperative and, if possible, bipartisan and compromising tradition of American legislation. He was sworn in less than a month after an attempted coup d'tat and faced an opposition that mostly refused to stand-up to the leader of that attempted overthrow of the Republic despite some of their own admissions of the treachery. He faced the challenge of an economy crippled by pandemic with a tiny margin of majority in the House of Representatives and an exact tie in the Senate. Absolutely NO legislation could be passed without either unanimous support from a very broad range of Democrats in the Senate or else support from at least some Republicans. 

Despite all of that, he is now, without doubt, one of the most successful first-term presidents of all time. While the whole world is encumbered by terrible inflation, labor shortages, a regression toward authoritarianism, and expensive gas as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the US is relatively much better. Gas prices are coming down. We are at almost FULL employment. He has managed to pass a slew of his legislative packages despite sometimes despicable stonewalling by Republicans. He has had to make major compromises, of course. It is shameful that Republicans blocked some very popular measures like the regulation of prices for life-saving insulin, for example. But still MAJOR victories for the American people. 

If you, like me, want to see more, then let's give this president a few more Democratic senators and members of Congress. If President Biden had even just a couple more Democratic Senators many lives would be saved and much good could be done. 

The current make-up of the US House
The current make-up of the US Senate

No president with such a small margin in Congress has accomplished more. Think of what could be accomplished with a strong Democratic majority.

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