Monday, September 25, 2006

Had Enough?

I have a bumper sticker on my car:
Had Enough? Vote Democratic.

In looking online for more stickers I found Tim Roemer's Op Ed from the New York Times:

"The administration said Iraqis would greet us with roses as liberators, yet our soldiers are attacked with homemade bombs and rocket-propelled grenades. Had Enough? Vote Democratic.

"The administration said it was prepared for a hurricane in New Orleans, yet our government's feeble response prompted Bangladesh to offer us $1 million in aid. Had Enough? Vote Democratic!

"The administration said it would bring competency to our federal budget, yet our nation faces catastrophic deficits. Had Enough? Vote Democratic!"

I might add:

George Bush said he was a compassionate conservative , yet he wants to weaken the Geneva Conventions. Had Enough? Vote Democratic!

The Administration said the invasion of Iraq would make us safer, yet their own National Intelligence Estimate has shown the opposite. Had Enough? Vote Democratic!

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