Thursday, July 28, 2022

West Rome Graduates, 1965

Knowing my Dad, I am sure there are more pictures from my 1965 graduation from West Rome High School, but I found these few slides this week and scanned them. Daddy, who was pastor at Trinity United Methodist Church from February 1962  until June 1967, was sure to photo our Trinity graduates.

Todd Zieger and Gordon Walden, a Trinity kid. Gordon's family lived on Avenue A and his parents were still living there when Sheila and I bought our Avenue A house 1993. Mr. Walden died not too much later, but I was glad I got a chance to talk to him a little about our house and its residents.

Judy Wessinger, a Trinity kid and good friend.

Anne Ergle, another Trinity kid, with her father (and Daddy's fellow Marine and good friend) Bill Ergle. Anne's funeral just a couple of years ago was the very last time my mother preached (from a pulpit). The Ergles were close to our family -- kids near our ages and they lived just a few blocks away.

Alice Jeffries (Keel) my West Rome Highlighters partner at WIYN back in the day. Alice was such a smart and kind kid, and she and I ended up both being teachers with an interest in the environment.

Paula Craven (Dickerson) another Trinity kid. Paula's Daddy, Paul, built the new parsonage on Timothy Avenue where we lived 1962-67. He also built the Nativity scene structure each Christmas season for many years before that task was passed down to his son Frank. The Cravens lived just around the corner and down a block from us. Paula figures in a couple of my most hair-raising high school adventures. Here's one: she was with me the night I was stopped by a Georgia State Patrolman, who (Horrors!) turned out to be my uncle, Tom Baird. I see him looking into my window with wide eyes and hear his voice even now: "Terry Shaw!"  I didn't get a ticket but it that stop was an effective check on my acceleration habits; from that day forward I imagined my uncle's patrol car behind every bridge wherever I drove.

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