Saturday, December 19, 2009

Gleaning Facebook: Acronyming (and Exaggerating) Holiday Joy

 (Terrell Shaw) is "FAL, FAL, TGAWAFAL"!!! -- till Jan. 6 anyway. (Any interpreters out there?)

Erskine Thompson

I'd be happy to act as your interpreter, Dr. King.

Terrell Shaw

Pretty quick, Erskine -- you must be my RDA!

Rhonda Ingram 



Free at last; free at last. Thank God Almighty free at last!!

Terrell Shaw
Yes Joan. The WA is for "we are"
I listened to a storyteller on NPR this morning who jumped to the conclusion that "LOL" means "Lots of Love". You probably know it is actually the IM shorthand for "Laughing out Loud". It caused him some difficulty since he thot it a great way to end many of his e-mails -- including those to folks dealing with death, divorce, or other disasters. The funny thing is, that was MY first guess at LOL! I wonder what other misconceptions of texting abbreviations have occured? I'll bet there are many. 

Christie Hufstedler Boyd
I heard the same story this morning it is the third time I've heard it and I LOLed every time.


And a more usual holiday post...

(Terrell Shaw) is finally getting in the swing of things, hanging the green outside. Falalalala Lala Lala!

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