Sunday, December 23, 2012

Gleaning Facebook: In Queens

Have arrived at our lodgings. Brannon's apartment is very spartan. She has sold or given away most of her furnishings in preparation for her cross country trek. My arthritic carcass (a two-day drive is not a cure for sore bones) has taken over the one seat, while my daughters and wife sit about on the floor warming themselves before the crackling video fireplace. I'm such a gentleman.


Tersi Bendiburg
Thankful you arrived safely. Merry Christmas to all. I know about having an arthritic carcass. LOL! When I'm traveling, by car, I have to stop often and just get out and walk.

Laurie Craw
Let the fun begin! Glad you made it safely.

Charlie Hehn
Terrell, it's not an arthritic carcass, it is rather a vessel of knowledge like a well stocked library. Just think of it as a mild earthquake tremor and books got a little shuffled on the shelves.

Anita Stewart
Tell us more about Brannon's cross country trek.

Terrell Shaw
She is moving out of this apartment when we leave Wed. Then Jan. 15 she begins a year long road trip in her new little Kia Rio around the US. San Diego (3 mos) Chicago (3 mos) Georgia for a month or so next Christmas season, etc. I between those spots she will wander about the country. She wants to see lots of nat'l parks etc. -- maybe even spend some time hiking a portion of the Appalachian Trail. That's my baby... same adventurer who terrorized her parents with her independence as a youngster.

Deborah Lake Dawson
Have a wonderful holiday!

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