Monday, March 25, 2019

Gleaning Facebook: Barr & Mueller



Mueller has found insufficient evidence to indict Trump or his campaign on conspiracy with Russia.

Mueller left the decision on the clear obstruction we all witnessed in plain view to the AG and Barr has decided that this evil behavior by the president is to be ignored legally and is now squarely in the hands of a Congress that, in the end, cannot get a fair hearing in the Senate.
The other criminal activities of the Trump financial and campaign organizations will be decided in other jurisdictions.
Our beloved America has been in a crisis since November of 2016. It will continue in crisis until at least November of 2020.
My friends we are in a fight for the very existence of our republic.


Tim Shiflett We really need to see that report. Barr's interpretation of obstruction pretty much just gives two sides of the same coin.. I bet the Dems wind up having to issue subpoenas to get most of it.

Jim Curry Looks like we’re stuck with this for a few more months and maybe several more years unless Americans wake up and vote this now-more-than-ever-emboldened criminal enterprise out of office so the SDNY can finally levy justice.

Anne Edwards Langley I think NY is our best hope

Paula Dickinson ‘Clear obstruction we all witnessed in plain view’ and ‘evil behavior by the president’... You folks spew these ideas ad nauseam so much you actually believe them. 2 years and 25 million $ of taxpayer money has shown no evidence to indict. Get over it and support the good Trump is doing .

Terrell Shaw When I see good I will support it. Meanwhile you are OK with: supporting the murderers of Khashoggi; condemning American war heroes and praising Kim; condemning our FBI & CIA while praising and accepting the excuses of murderer Putin, overlooking daily money-grubbing by the Trump organization off our presidency, accepting daily, heck hourly, documented lies....

Don Henderson We brought in more in criminal penalties than was spent.

Daniel Eason

Fred Gould Don Henderson Come on Don don't go muddying the water with 10's of millions of dollars in seized assets.

Bill Schoepski Paula Dickinson Tell me what "good things" this President has done.

Howard Smith Could you please some specifics of “the good Trump is doing”. What I know is our national budget debt , which came down 7 years in a row under President Obama has skyrocked, our trade deficit is at a decade high, a record number of farmers have declared bankruptcy because of his tariffs, his tax cuts mostly benefitted corporations and the wealthy, Americans have lost trillions in personal wealth over the past two years, drug prices have continued to rise, mass shootings and gun related deaths have continued unababated and climate change is being ignored. I could go on but let me give you a change to present the good you see.

Greg Weiss Sadly, this is an accurate assessment of the situation.

Deborah Lake Dawson I was so afraid this would happen.

Marlene Wood Benghazi, SMH.


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