Thursday, March 07, 2019

Gleaning Facebook: White Privilege (Three Posts)

The inequities in sentencing in America are nauseating. We lock up more people than China but give a traitor 47 months? Someone resurrect Charles Dickens, we need some stories told. What if Manafort had been poor or black or an immigrant


Cece Baker
It's not racism, there are PLENTY of Caucasians that are treated unfairly by the justice system as well. With judges investing in the construction of prisons and receiving financial returns based on occupancy rates, reported increase of crime within the African American race, and law enforcement's maltreatment of EVERYONE, THIS is what you get - a broken justice system. Not every injustice in this world is about race, and it appears that there is plenty of "reverse racism" to go around.


This enrages me. This despicable criminal, and really a traitor, put his own greed, his own financial gain above his loyalty to America. Meanwhile poor, or black, or immigrant defendants are incarcerated at rates much greater than people in China or other nations and for longer terms for lesser crimes than Manafort.. Our republic is very damaged right now. We have much work to do if we are to re-establish it.


Katie S. Kimbrough
I feel like it isn't the right punishment.

Jim Curry
What you bet Trump called the judge.

Terrell Shaw
Three years ago I would have considered your suggestion conspiratorial insanity. Now it has to be considered seriously. No evil can be dismissed as too absurd to be real in the age of Trump. Still I suspect this meme has it right: this judge perceives Manafort as part of his tribe. A poor, black, or immigrant criminal would have been seen as the scary "other" in his eyes.

Jim Curry
Yep, I can hear it now. “Please go easy on this guy. He’s a good man (white, rich, Republican).”

Sandra Pride
This judge is not a patriot. I'm betting Republican,maybe knows manafort or got paid off,

CeCe Baker
With judges nominated by political parties in the Northeast, and sitting on the bench for life, you can bet that there was outside influence on the judge's decision.

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