Thursday, July 25, 2019

Gleaning Facebook: Mueller Testifies

Schiff: "Russia committed federal crimes in order to help Donald Trump?
Mueller: "When you're talking about the computer crimes charged in our case, absolutely."
Schiff: "Trump campaign officials built their strategy - their messaging strategy around those stolen documents?"
Mueller: "Uhm, generally that is true."
Schiff: "And then they lied to cover it up?"
Mueller: "Generally that is true"

 Once again the press is spending its time talking about Mueller's performance rather than his testimony. That is a gross disservice to America.

We are so calloused by the outrages of the Trump era that having sworn testimony --- by one of the most respected and heroic figures in the country --- that our president:
- lied repeatedly to the American people and to the special counsel;
- actively sought to obstruct FBI and Special Counsel investigations even directing that Mueller be fired;
- carried on business negotiations with Russia while they were invading our republican system and while he was telling the American people he had NO association with Russia;
- has called the Russian attack on our republic a "witchhunt" while Russia continues NOW to mess up our elections.
Any ONE of those things, among others, would have been a screaming headline with ANY other president. But today the headline is that a 75 year old man seemed tired, fumbled for words occationally, etc, etc, ad nauseum. It was not a show; it was testimony. The content of the testimony is the important thing not how polished the words of the speaker.


Ray Langley
It seemed to me like he was being very careful with his answers so yes at times he needed to think through what he was saying before he said it.

Howard Smith
Yes, he wanted to be careful and cautious with his words because he was intent on speaking the truth to the best of his ability. That was in contrast to some of the Republicans on the committee that were offering unsubstantiated conspiracy theories passed to them by Sean Hannity. Mueller made three factual points that are impossible to ignore...1) Russia wanted Trump to win the presidential election and engaged in deliberate and systematic efforts to that end....2) Trump and the Trump team welcomed, encouraged and sought that help....3) Trump attempted to obstruct Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the election. Nevertheless, I admit to being discouraged by the reporting on this hearing and our future.

"[Mueller] wanted to be careful and cautious with his words because he was intent on speaking the truth to the best of his ability. That was in contrast to some of the Republicans on the committee that were offering unsubstantiated conspiracy theories passed to them by Sean Hannity. Mueller made three factual points that are impossible to ignore...
1) Russia wanted Trump to win the presidential election and engaged in deliberate and systematic efforts to that end....
2) Trump and the Trump team welcomed, encouraged and sought that help...
3) Trump attempted to obstruct Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the election.
Nevertheless, I admit to being discouraged by the reporting on this hearing and our future."

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