Thursday, April 02, 2020

Gleaning Facebook: Conway on Trump

 From arch-conservative and life-long Republican George Conway (Yes, there are a few principled conservatives left):

"For Trump supporters, let me make one thing VERY clear!
For the record NO ONE is blaming the President for the virus. Let me repeat. Coronavirus is not Trump’s fault.
Here’s a detailed list of what we are blaming him for:
* Trump declined to use the World Health Organization’s test like other nations. Back in January, over a month before the first Covid19 case, the Chinese posted a new mysterious virus and within a week, Berlin virologists had produced the first diagnostic test. By the end of February, the WHO had shipped out tests to 60 countries. Oh, but not our government. We declined the test even as a temporary bridge until the CDC could create its own test. The question is why? We don’t know but what to look for is which pharmaceutical company eventually manufactures the test and who owns the stock. Keep tuned.
* In 2018 Trump fired Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossart, whose job was to coordinate a response to global pandemics. He was not replaced.
* In 2018 Dr. Luciana Borio, the NSC director for medical and bio-defense preparedness left the job. Trump did not replace Dr. Borio.
* In 2019 the NSC’s Senior Director for Global Health Security and bio-defense, Tim Ziemer, left the position and Trump did not replace the Rear Admiral.
* Trump shut down the entire Global Health Security and Bio-defense agency. Yes, he did.
* Amid the explosive worldwide outbreak of the virus Trump proposed a 19% cut to the budget of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention plus a 10% cut to Public Health Services and a 7% cut to Global Health Services. Those happen to be the organizations that responds to public health threats.
* In 2018, at Trump’s direction, the CDC stopped funding epidemic prevention activities in 39 out of 49 countries including China.
* Trump didn’t appoint a doctor to oversee the US response to the pandemic. He appointed Mike Pence.
* Trump has on multiple occasions sowed doubt about the severity of the virus even using the word hoax at events and rallies. He even did it at an event where the virus was being spread. Trump has put out zero useful information concerning the health risks of the virus.
* Trump pretended the virus had been contained.
* Trump left a cruise ship at sea for days, denying them proper hospital care, rather than increase his numbers in America.
Repeat. We do not blame Trump for the virus.  
We blame him for gutting the nation’s preparations to deal with it.
We blame him for bungling testing and allowing it to spread uninhibited.
We blame him for wasting taxpayer money on applause lines at his rallies (like The Wall).
We blame him for putting his own political life over American human life.
I hope this clears things up."


 Jaki Day
Thanks. Dear God hear our prayer. Get this man out of the White House. 

Trude Sansbury
Well said.

Jim Doyle
God help us for Trump sure as hell can't. He's in over his head! Loud mouth buffoons don't make good leaders in a crisis. Their incompetence is always flushed out when the shit hits the fan!!!

Chris Shelly
The website shows the Global Health Security Agency as still in existence. Didn't check the rest. 

Also, according to the New York times, the CDC severely limited access to testing.
None of what I've posted refutes the fact that Trump is a gas bag.

George Kastanias
We are all on edge about what’s going on in the world today. But now is a time, regardless of political affiliations, gender or age to come together and do our part. Be a responsible, caring adult. Find something you can do everyday to make someone smile or help someone. If all you are going to do is be negative, spout hate towards our President or criticize everyone for their opinion, please delete me now. Please we have enough stress without reading this constant barrage of hate and disagreement EVERY SINGLE DAY. People are dying without their loved ones and their families are suffering as you sit at home and complain. Say a kind word. Life is short! Support your fellow man and be a part of this great country and lift each other up in prayer and encouragement!pastedGraphic.png

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Terrell Shaw
I certainly won't delete you, George, but you are welcome to unfollow me if my posts upset you. This is the most important time in my life, in my opinion, to speak out. We have not, in my lifetime, had such evil in control of our executive branch. Our President lies in every public uttterence and reveals his sociopathy, his total lack of empathy, over and over day after day. We have two existential emergencies: the virus and the president. Again, I understand the discomfort. I myself despise having to resist this evil day after day, but I must or I couldn't face my children, grandchildren, former students and friends, or my own reflection.
By the way, I do not hate Trump on a personal level. As a human he deserves our pity and our prayers. He has never known love. But we must hate Trumpism and the evil it does day in and day out in our nation.

Sandy Doughty
Terrell Shaw
Thank you for speaking do it with far more compassion and eloquence than I do!
Almost, always, I can discuss and understand both sides of any disagreement and I'm always willing to listen to the other side's opinions.
This situation with trump is destroying my America!
I can't think of one negative opinion that trump hasn't expounded on, repeatedly, that causes discord among Americans and causes people to act accordingly.
Divide and conquer, I suppose and it's working.
He scares the very life out of me every time I hear him speak and I see what he's doing to my America. And, I wonder and worry how anyone with any morals, ethics, belief in God isn't able to see him for the trouble maker that he is, the conman that he is, the total lack of loyalty that he has for anyone.
What I'm trying to say is, HOW is there "another side" to this disagreement?! HOW could/would anyone be all for supporting someone who is trying his worst to ruin my any their America and it's peoples. Do they not understand that he wants to be Putin or Kim Jung Un, that he wants to be lord and ruler not President? That he has said that he has no respect for the working man/the poor man? He said that any man who wasn't rich was of no use to him. I just do not understand how there is an opposing group of people to honesty, hard work, respect for others, loyalty to family (wives), respect for women In general.

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