Thursday, January 05, 2017

Gleaning Facebook: Laurie Craw on Medicare

I have no idea what I posted that drew this comment. Often posts shared from other places on the internet just disappear. I did not want to lose Laurie's comment in regard to Medicare. 

 Find me a senior citizen on "single-payer" Medicare who complains about it and wants to ditch it. I LOVE my Medicare. Of course, I was taxed for it all my working life, but as a percentage of my income, matched by my employers, and now I pay the standard premiums, but they are affordable (and had better STAY that way.). I have never encountered a doctor or hospital or lab that said, "Sorry, we don't accept Medicare" so of course I get to choose my doctor and all other providers, no matter where I live. I pay no co-pays on most preventive screenings and have never had them reject a claim. I get mental health benefits as well as physical. There is still the 20% co-insurance which can be significant with surgery and hospitalization but so far we've been able to pay that part on a monthly payment plan. Point being, government CAN do it right, it can be affordable for all, it can be simple to understand and simple to get care. Nothing to be afraid of, folks!

- Laurie Craw

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