Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Gleaning Facebook: Christmas Tree Disposal

You heard him, America... let's take all our trees to Bil's house!

JK. He has a great point. Here in Rome the city chippers will make mulch out of it. Since they are right across the river from me it's a little noisy, but that grinding sound is quieted by the thought of the resulting mulch sheltering the roots of plants next summer.

From Bil Lepp

Old Man Rant:
If you have woods behind your house don't put your Christmas tree by the curb to be hauled off to the landfill. Put your Christmas tree in the woods behind your house. It is made of wood and will provide habitat for woodland creatures and eventually turn to dirt in the woods 'cause it is made of wood, and thus not clog up a stupid landfill causing more landfills to be created and thus more woods to be clearcut to keep trash, like your Christmas tree, in. See? Simple.

If you don't have woods, bring it to my house or call your local wildlife authorities.


Janet Boyd
And for a long time after Christmas,the woods where we put our tree smells great!

Christine Reinolds Kozelle
Will it attract snakes?

Terrell Shaw

I hope so. They eat mice and generally stay out of the way of humans.


Charles de Young
Our tree folded and went into a box, does that count?

Wendy Davis
The city yard waste folks take those "side of the road" trees to the mulch yard. Also, this Sat from 10am-noon folks who bring their tree to Home Depot "bring one for the chipper" event get a free seedling tree!


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