Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Gleaning Facebook: A Tough Week

Headed off to the fourth funeral I've attended in a week.  

Last Wednesday my first cousin Benny Loyd's service, then theater/Democratic friend Mary Doster's on Saturday -- I wrote about these two folks previously.

The funeral for our church friend Lana Poss' was this morning, and this afternoon, the service for my neighbor of 26 years, Katherine Gordon, who was also the mother of Justin, a student in my very first class at McHenry in 1971.

I have never regretted attending a wake, a visitation, or a funeral. There have been several times I regretted NOT attending. Twice I had to miss funerals, of folks very important to me, because I had major roles in shows that could not have gone on without me. But I still feel lousy for missing them. 
Each of these four occasions this week were sad, yes, but each also enriched my life. My advice to anyone who will listen to this 67-year-old coot: Go to funerals. Just be there. You won't regret it. You will learn. You will grow. You will be enriched. 
And children should attend funerals. It is one of the ways we pass on to our kids the things that really matter. It's a time when folks get real, and we hear from the hearts of our friends and family the things we should, but don't say day to day.
In all four of these occasions I learned things I hadn't known about folks whom I already admired. I learned something about what was important to each of them, and also something about the values of those they left behind, and I feel closer to them for it.


Howard Smith
Seems to me like being acquainted with you has a downside....which, causes me some personal concern.

Ricky Conaway
Terrell where did you live at I lived close to the Gordons also on Cedar Ave. right across the street from Mr. Lindsey and beside Bill Cox

Joan Shaw Turrentine
That makes for a very hard week.

Bob Doster
We're very sorry about this situation. BUT you are a great comfort to the people involved.

Wendy Ramsey
So sorry for such a sad week!

John Countryman
When it rains it pours. Comforting thoughts!

Mary Nisbet Asbury


Neal Brackett
Good Grief Terrell. you haven't been hanging out with Angela Lansbury have you?

Madelyn Collette
Good of you to show your care or these families.

Terrell Shaw
Ricky we lived at 608 directly across the street from the Coxes. The Gordons' backyard bordered ours.

Terrell Shaw
Wendy, you are the one with the rough week. I was so sorry hear of your loss. But I'm glad that y'all were able to be with your mom at the end.

Madelyn Collette
I was sick with gallstones and could not attend the funeral of one of my dearest friends Linda Stone. We did have a candle burning in her memory at our Circle of which she was a DEVOTED MEMBER. It hurts so bad when you can't attend services for those you love.

Deborah Lake Dawson
Sorry for your losses, so many at once.

Ruth Pinson
What a week! I'm so sorry.

George Barton
I don't know why, I thought of Hugh Grant and "Four Weddings and a Funeral".

Bitsy Burton
Hugs, Terrell!

Barbara J. Gale
You sang beautifully at Lana's service. Thank you.

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