Friday, November 16, 2018

Gleaning Facebook: Stacey's Speech and More

 Compare the beautiful principled speech of Stacey Abrams just now with any comparable number of words spoken by Donald Trump over the his entire life. Oh that she were president instead.

Howard Smith

She will be Georgia's next United States Senator.

Marion Dobbs
Exactly my thinking!

Claudia Kennedy
One can hope.

Christie Hufstedler Boyd
I just unfriended someone who called her speech completely racist! Really?

ML McCorkle
Reminder for Georgia voters to vote for John Barrow on Dec 4 in the run off for Sec State. Having a Dem in that position will help curb voter suppression.

Ralph Davis
Let’s get Barrow elected in December.
Then let’s get more people registered so Stacy can indeed be elected to the Senate.

ML McCorkle
Ralph Davis Perdue is such a sorry excuse for even a boot licker.

Ralph Davis
He is not a good representation of what Georgia should and can be.
A judge ruled that Jim Acosta’s Fifth Amendment rights overruled the White House’s right to have orderly press conferences.


Cutting and pasting from an eloquent friend who does not make his posts public:
"Do you remember that time you stood in line to vote, showed your ID, signed the form, stood in line again, got crossed off the list, showed your ID again, voted, went out to the car and changed, and then did it again?
"Me neither.
"If I understood hashtags, I would now type something like #wethoughtnixonwasbad "

Don Henderson
Will changing my shirt work at the bank when I deposit my paycheck? I'd like to have twice the money.

Terrell Shaw
It looks like the president would realize that even his voters are, by definition, voters, and therefore know from experience that this stupid lie is, well, a lie... and stupid.

CeCe Baker
He made his posts public, as I commented on it.  

Michael J. Burton
They never caught me because I am so skilled at changing my beard

Don Henderson
Sometimes I just show them my picture with a Snapchat filter.
Donald Murdock
Like the hashtag. Unfortunately, many of the same people who back Trump still think Nixon wasn’t such a bad guy.

Beckie Gurley
The more the man talks the more ridiculous he sounds. I want to meet these voters changing clothes and voting again. Actually they tried to vote but due to our rigged system they couldn’t vote.

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