Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Gleaning Facebook: 2020 Election Day

My Facebook posts from Election Day:

To my Republican friends who have put American values over party to vote for Joe Biden, I just want to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart.
We may not agree on every issue on how to perfect the union, establish justice, ensure civility, provide for defense, promote the common good, and secure the blessings of liberty to all, but at least we agree that those are our goals.
Thank you.

"I pray Heaven to bestow the best of Blessings on this House, and on all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise Men ever rule under this roof." - John Adams' prayer upon moving into the brand-new Executive Mansion (now called the White House) in 1800.
If you have not yet voted please go vote NOW. You have only four hours in Georgia to help restore honest and wise leadership to our White House. If you have voted, call a friend or two or five or join a phonebank to get folks out here in Georgia or in other states. Every vote for Joe Biden will help to add an exclamation point to the message: "We want American values returned to our Presidency!"


One last afternoon of waving our flags and calling our friends and neighbors in Rome and Floyd County to the restoration of American values. Vote Biden, Warnock, Ossoff!


I recorded this video a couple of days ago... from my heart. If you have not yet voted, please go vote for our kids and grandkids. Vote for science. Vote for equality. Vote for liberty. Vote for brotherhood from sea to shining sea. Vote for American values. Vote for Joe Biden, Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock and other honest, patriotic candidates.


Make this one day the day we reclaim our republic. Go vote for a brighter future for our kids and grandkids. Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock and Democratic patriots from the top of the ballot all the way down to city and county races. This election day is about restoring the soul of our nation. Vote for optimism and brotherhood from sea to shining sea.


This is it! Sheila and I have our electricity back but not internet or cable. AND IT IS ELECTION DAY! Oh, well. I'll be busy as an observer at polls today. I'll figure some way to watch returns tonight. Get out early and vote if you haven't already. Help bring back decency and American values... vote Joe Biden & Kamala Harris and Democratic candidates up and down the ballot!

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