Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Gleaning Facebook: Swearing

I thought I had all the emotion under control, then watched the "virtual" swearing in of about 1000 White House and other administration appointees. The contrast to the previous administration could have been no more stark. President Biden was adamant that he and they each are employed by the American people, that the people they serve are where their loyalties must lie. "We will be truthful." He said. 

Truth. Do you remember truth in government? He said he trusted them to do their duty decently, respectfully, honestly... but if they betrayed that trust they would be fired on the spot.

If any of them cheat supporters like Bannon is accused of doing, or lie to the FBI as Flynn confessed to doing, or pull shenanigans like Stone and Manafort, etc. do not expect pardons from this president.
Anyway that stark contrast just brought mist to my eyes for the umpteenth time today. Just the ordinary, the normal feels so good.
If God works in such a way, Joseph R.Biden would seem heaven-sent for just this moment. Few times has the moment and the man met in such a perfect meshing of demand and supply, of distress and relief, of pain and assuagement.
None of us knows the future, but whatever happens, I believe we can trust this president to level with us, to seek expert advice on how to deal with those events and issues, and to do his best to find and implement solutions that are in keeping with the goals of the Preamble: justice, security, liberty, and the common good.

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