Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Twelve Years Ago...

 Can you believe it has been twelve years?! 

Twelve years ago I wrote...


President Barack Hussein Obama

I believe President Obama will be one of the outstanding Presidents of my lifetime. But whatever occurs over the next four or eight years, this day will live in the memories of Americans as one of the most happy moments of our history.
We are beginning to live the dream.

God bless the memory of Charity Stinchcomb and all those who lived as slaves.
God bless the memory of Rosa Parks.
God bless the memory of those little children mistreated
as they integrated schools in the fifties and sixties.
God bless the memory of Medger Evers.
God bless the memory of those three boys in Philiadelphia, Mississippi.
God bless the memory of Dr. King.
God bless the memory of Silas McComb.
God bless the memory of Solomon Lasoi.

God bless this good man, our President.

God bless America.


Barack Obama turned out to be the greatest president of my adult life. Despite the despicable and determined campaign to stop his every success, he led a scandal free, progressive, patriotic, and groundbreaking administration. 

It is one of the great tragedies of our history that the presidency of this great man was immediately followed by the illegitimacy and vile criminality of his successor and that successor's enablers.

Today, Barack Obama's partner, Joe Biden, takes the reins as our servant, our unitary executive. He has, for now, the support of a slim majority in Congress and a huge majority of the American people.

He understands history. 

He reads, 

He knows what he knows and knows that he does not know it all. 

He knows that We the People are in charge and that he works for us. 

He will listen to anyone and everyone and will make decisions not for purely political reasons but to fulfill his oath. 

Like Barack Obama and all of his predecessors save one he has read and studied the Constitution of the United States. 

He understood the following words and swore them seriously when he declared:

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

We have a real President of the United States again.

God bless America.

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